
Here you can find information on our company, as well as data sheets on our products and pre-assembled standard structures.

Datasheets and information | Downloads



ISO certificate (German) PDF

temicon company brochure PDF

temicon Recruiting Flyer (German) PDF

temicon Imagefilm Youtube

temicon Produktvideo Youtube


Heads-up display PDF

Holographic diffusers PDF

Injection mold inserts PDF

Anti-glare molds PDF

High-performance anti-reflective molds HT-AR-02 PDF

High-performance anti-reflective molds HT-AR-06 PDF


Diffuser flyer PDF

temilux® ID data sheet PDF

temilux®ID flyer PDF

temilux® ID pure plate PDF

Diffusers for Lighting applications PDF

BSDF LT Diffuser SMEC45 seamless BSDF


MLA-based light projector PDF

Holographic diffusers PDF

Anti-glare molds PDF

MLA molds by interference lithography PDF

High-performance anti-reflective molds HT-AR-02 PDF

High-performance anti-reflective molds HT-AR-06 PDF

Near infrared anti-reflective molds PDF

Diffraction grating molds PDF

Spatial Light Filter PDF


High-performance anti-reflective molds HT-AR-02 PDF

High-performance anti-reflective molds HT-AR-06 PDF

Near infrared anti-reflective molds PDF

MLA molds by interference lithography PDF

Holographic diffusers PDF

Life Science

temilife MC flyer PDF

temilife membranes and filters PDF

temilife MF flyer PDF

temilife microfluidic chips PDF